Renowned as a skilful raconteur who can seamlessly weave socio-political satire with heartfelt introspection into his charming and endearing trademark style, Imran Yusuf is a languid, punchy, cheeky and utterly lovable comedian, who has been a pioneering voice in the world of modern British comedy and across the world, racking up over 7 million hits on YouTube!
Imran is of East-African Indian descent, born in Mombasa, Kenya but raised in London with a brief stint studying illegally in the USA. He has travelled much of the world including Israel/Palestine and Saudi Arabia during the Lebanon Crisis in 2006 in an all-encompassing pilgrimage for which he quit his job and spent his savings. What he gleaned would change him forever and influence him to become who he is today.
In 2010, Imran presented his debut solo show at the Edinburgh Festival. "An Audience with Imran Yusuf", was part of the Laughing Horse Free Festival and it was Imran’s intention to develop his craft and material at the Fringe whilst at the same time keeping under the radar of the UK comedy industry and Press. However, word about the show got out and within a week Imran had gained his first 5 star review, which led to the coveted nomination for Best Newcomer in the Foster's Edinburgh Comedy