Lee Kyle, hailed by the BBC as a "top up-and-coming comedy performer," has dedicated his life to avoiding a conventional job. From his days in an all-male Spice Girls tribute act to a decade-long career as a professional wrestler, Lee's unique journey eventually brought him to the world of stand-up comedy.
Lee's ability to blend the odd with the relatable makes his humor both clever and silly, resulting in countless belly laughs. His comedic talents have led to writing gigs for Radio 4 and appearances on BBC Radio's "Jesting About" and 4 Extra's "History of Geordie Comedy." He also contributed to ITV's Rugby World Cup coverage and the premiere of CBBC's "Wolfblood."
In addition to his stand-up career, Lee hosts the popular "Which is the Best?" podcast and has a YouTube video boasting 2.5 million views, despite many American viewers struggling with his accent. Lee's distinctive style and engaging performances continue to win him a growing fan base.
When it comes to entertaining children, Lee Kyle excels with his vibrant humor and dynamic storytelling. He performs at children's comedy festivals and events, where his playful and interactive style captivates young audiences. Through imaginative sketches, funny stories, and engaging games, Lee ensures his young fans are thoroughly entertained, demonstrating his versatility and dedication to spreading laughter to all ages.