Count Binface is a fictional satirical political candidate created by British comedian Jon Harvey. The character is known for his humorous and outlandish political campaigns, featuring a distinctive costume that combines elements of science fiction villains with a trash can aesthetic. Harvey introduced Count Binface in 2018 after previously performing as Lord Buckethead, another satirical candidate he portrayed in the 2017 UK general election.
Count Binface has participated in various elections, including running for the Mayor of London and parliamentary seats. His campaigns are characterized by absurd and whimsical policy proposals, such as renaming London Bridge to Phoebe Waller-Bridge and nationalizing the singer Adele. These campaigns aim to parody the political process and highlight its sometimes farcical aspects.
Despite the comedic intent, Count Binface has garnered a significant following and media coverage, using humor to engage with the public and offer a unique commentary on contemporary politics. The character exemplifies how satire can be used to critique and entertain within the political sphere.