Thu13 Feb
Thursday Night Live
LiverpoolHot Water Comedy Club at Blackstock Market, 17 Blackstock Street, Liverpool L3 6ER
Doors Open: 17:30| Show: 19:00| Ends: 20:30
Hot Water presents its new weekly selection of some of the UK comedy circuits best acts.

This show will also feature some handpicked rising stars!

All shows that end after 10pm are 18+ only.
  • Free Ticket £0.00
    Guaranteed Entry £5.00
    Book Now
  • Free Birthday Ticket Book Now
  • Free Blue Light/Teacher Ticket Book Now
Danny McLoughlin
Danny McLoughlin
Tony Carroll
Tony Carroll
Tony Carroll had been performing stand up comedy since the 18. Back in 2010, Tony won and/or was a finalist in various new act competitions, performing as a character comedian. He has since changed his persona from a character to just being himself and has again went on to win various competitions and accolades. During The Liverpool Comedy...more
Jack Traynor
Who could it be???